My semester project is on the Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio.
I will explore how the Fibonacci sequence was discovered,
where it is seen in nature, and how we use it today.
I will also discuss how we calculate the golden ratio, and why it is so golden.
My project consists of five parts, with an additional page for my sources.
I will start off with an introduction to gain interest in learning about a sequence and number.
Then I will discuss the history and background of how we discovered the Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio are, as well as what they are.
Next, I will explain the mathematics of the calcuations and special properties of the golden ratio.
After is the section about the significance and application, where I go through some of the multiple examples in our world.
Lastly is the extensions page where I go beyond the explanations and discuss some of the discoveries that relate to other topics in mathematics.
Please enjoy, and stay golden!